Utility & Oven Cabinets

Utilities are ideal for use in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry. Adjustable full depth shelves to suit your storage needs. Oven cabinets can easily be modified for double ovens. Available in three heights.

Utility Cabinets

Oven Cabinets

u182484-u242496 utility cabinets 84″ High oc302484-oc332496 oven cabinets 84″ High
U182484 OC302484 SM UM
90″ High OC332484 SM UM
U182490 90″ High
96″ High OC302490 SM UM
U182496 OC332490 SM UM
96″ High
OC302496 SM UM
18″ Wide OC332496 SM UM
U24XXXX 84″ High
90″ High
96″ High
24″ High U242496