Mudrooms present in homes are there primarily for practical purposes, and one such purpose is the presence of storage space. These locations are typically used for cleaning off and keeping dirt or grime out of the actual home itself, and a major part of this involves having space to store outdoor gear, equipment and related items before or after use.
At AWA Kitchen Cabinets, we offer not only a wide selection of custom kitchen cabinets, but also several additional cabinet accessories and products that are useful throughout a given home. We’ve assisted many clients with improving their mudroom storage space, a theme we’re happy to assist you with as well. Here are some of the top themes that can help increase your mudroom’s space without a significant dimension alteration.
Cabinet Space
Likely the most comprehensive way to increase your mudroom space is through the addition of quality cabinets, which serve as something of a “locker” space for numerous outdoor items. Cabinets with enough size will work for those with a variety of items to store away, and they also prevent dirt and grime from getting out into the home itself.
Cabinets can be installed as free-standing pieces for ease of access, or as wall cabinets within reach. They allow for items to be stored out of sight, as well, a major benefit for those who prefer limited clutter and mess in their homes. If you want your coats and jackets stored cleanly and in a streamlined way, for instance, installing cabinets is an ideal way to do so.
Wall and Prior Cabinet Utilization
In other cases, your mudroom may already have the capability to increase storage space — you just need to capitalize on it. Building shelving into your walls or existing cabinet space, for example, is a useful way to free up space on the floor. If you have an existing bookcase or cabinet, consider installing wall cabinets above it — the extra space could be used for storage of coats and jackets, as well as boots and shoes.
Nooks and Holders
Finally, especially for mudrooms that contain lots of shoes or other footwear, consider utilizing nooks and holders to offer more space. These can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes, but by using them you’re able to free up floor space for other items such as coats and boots. For example, installing hooks on the inside of your cabinet doors is a great way for storing mittens and scarves; or consider tucking a shelf into the corner of your mudroom to include footrests for removing shoes.
These are just three of countless themes that can be utilized in any mudroom space, but they offer some key ideas that are useful for increasing it. For more on any of our cabinet services in your kitchen or other parts of your home, speak to the staff at AWA Kitchen Cabinets today.