For those who use the kitchen as the central hub of their home, including often having guests over, cleaning will be more important for this room than any other in the home. But in many situations, especially when tidying up after social gatherings, this can be a real headache.
At AWA Kitchen Cabinets, we’re here to tell you about one area that may have more of an impact on kitchen cleaning than you had ever considered: Your kitchen cabinets. If you’re designing a new kitchen remodel using our high-quality cabinets, you can plan things out to make cleaning and organization far easier than it may have been in the past. Let’s look at three areas that are important here, and showcase how quality cabinets can make your day-to-day life a little simpler in the kitchen.
Item Storage
One of the key factors in kitchen cleaning, particularly if you regularly host gatherings, is to keep clutter away from major areas. One of the best ways to do this during the design phase of any kitchen remodeling process is to evaluate your old kitchen as it stands – what are the items that take up lots of space, either in countertops or in cabinets? How can you create new areas for these items to be placed in?
You might be very surprised at how much additional space is really available in your kitchen when it comes down to it. Utilizing it property with well-fitting cabinets can go a long way to improving your available workspace, plus simply making it easier to clean common areas and keep the entire room sparkling.
Labeling and Fighting Clutter
Down similar lines, you can take things even further by improving your labeling and basic recognition in the kitchen. This is a hustling, bustling area, and having dedicated locations for some of your most common items can go a long way.
We’re not even necessarily talking about big items here, though these are important as well – what about small items like keys, purses, wallets, sunglasses and others we always tend to misplace on our way in and out? Between these items and things like cleaning products, kitchen appliances and dishes, and numerous other pieces in the room, having a well-organized cabinet and layout situation is highly beneficial for making cleaning simpler and easier.
Quality Cabinets
Finally, no matter what you’re prioritizing when it comes to storage and organization, high-quality cabinets are the way to go. They stand the test of daily use, even if you’re switching up storage solutions regularly. Instead of wearing down and looking downtrodden quickly like low-quality cabinets can, talk to our pros about the best products on the market that will hold up for years.
For more on how the cabinet design phase can help make kitchen cleaning easier, or to learn about any of our kitchen cabinet products, speak to the pros at AWA Kitchen Cabinets today.