Two-Tone Kitchen Cabinets: Applying to Your Kitchen

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on two-tone kitchen cabinets and some of the benefits they bring. Ideal for quality aesthetics and several other themes you may be prioritizing, two-tone cabinets have become more and more popular among homeowners over the last decade or so.

At AWA Kitchen Cabinets, we provide clients with a robust selection of kitchen cabinet options, from base cabinets to utility cabinets, vanity cabinets and many others. We offer a wide range of different style and color options, including two-tone cabinets for many of our clients. Here’s a bit more information on why these cabinets are so popular today, plus how you can utilize this design template in your home.

two-tone kitchen cabinets applying

Perfect for Smaller Spaces

One major benefit of two-tone cabinets that we didn’t have time for in part one: The way they create an illusion of space in smaller spaces. Let’s say, for example, that you have a much smaller kitchen than others in your neighborhood. Using two-tone cabinets can make the room feel larger because it creates an optical illusion of depth and dimension when properly implemented.

How to Utilize Two-Tone Kitchen Cabinets

Now that we’ve been over all the benefits of two-tone cabinets, here are some basic tips for how to apply them as part of your kitchen design:

  • Choose a focal point: When we talk about focal point, we’re referring to the section of cabinetry that will differ in color from the rest, with a strong contrast in style and design. This is usually placed around an appliance or space where most of your attention is drawn to naturally (i.e., the oven).
  • Keep complementary colors: Keeping complementary colors for two-tone cabinets can mean creating a harmonious look and feel that’s aesthetically pleasing and inviting. For example, if you choose a red and white two-tone design, make sure the white color of your cabinets is not too intense against the red.
  • Darker on the bottom: It’s most common to see two tone cabinets with darker tones on the bottom portion of the design, and lighter colors at the top. This is because most people tend to look up when they’re in a kitchen, creating more impactful color details that you can see easily without having too much distraction (i.e., light reflections).
  • Other unifying element options: While many two-tone cabinet designs will use the differences in color as their unifying element, you have other options as well. For instance, some will use their hardware, their different style of cabinetry, cabinets’ materials or even the lighting to draw attention. Experiment with all of these variables until you find a design option that works best for you.

For more on two-tone cabinets in the kitchen, or to learn about any of our kitchen cabinet products, speak to the pros at AWA Kitchen Cabinets today.